Second Quarter 2023 Newsletter
May 4, 2023

Senoia Area Historical Society and History Museum
There is so much going on with the Senoia Area Historical Society right now!
- We have two exciting events coming up in May: Hot Rods for History at Merrimac Lake on May 6 and the Barn Dance on May 20!
- Renovations on the outside of the Carmichael House - We thank those who have contributed so far and encourage each of you to see what you can do to help.
There are still a few memberships that need to be renewed for this year.
- Drop a check or cash off at 6 Couch Street on any Friday or Saturday from 1:00 PM -4:00 PM.
- Mail a check to: SAHS, P. O. Box 301, Senoia, GA 30276
- Pay online via PayPal
We look forward to receiving your 2023 membership dues soon! We appreciate your support of the Senoia Area Historical Society.
From the President
Wow, we have gotten off to a fast start in 2023 with tons of progress in the 1st quarter. The Board and various committees have been very active and have already accomplished a great deal. Let me summarize a few of the many accomplishments and offer a note of thanks to those involved:
- Carmichael Initiative fundraising, thanks to all member and corporate sponsor support as well Finance Chair, Dennis Sanford.
- Carmichael construction has begun, thanks to Building & Grounds Chair, Skip King.
- Clothes Less Traveled $6,700 grant awarded, thanks to Doug Kolbenshlag, Maureen Schuyler and Grants Chair, Susan Stitt, for museum utility costs.
- ECI $3,000 grant awarded, thanks again to Grants Chair, Susan Stitt, for walking tour of Senoia historic homes.
- Georgia Garden Club $1200 grant awarded, thanks to Landscape Chair, Jan Martin, for (cold) flower box.
- Three great monthly membership programs (Bourbon Tasting, Vintage Clothing Exhibit, and Buying/Selling/Maintaining Historic Homes) have been presented, and a full schedule of programs for the remainder of the year has been arranged, thanks to Maureen Schuyler and Programs Chair, Lynn Horton.
- Yard Sale held, earning $1,760, thanks to Maureen Schuyler and Deb Flock.
- Hot Rods for History & Barn Dance event planning, thanks to Steve Maloy, Dennis and Martha Sanford.
- New website launched, including new content for News & Events, thanks to Brian Brewer, Brooks Everett, and IT Chair, Jeremy Warren.
- New Historic Places and Structures Committee Chair, Tray Baggerly.
- Revised policy & procedures in the SAHS Handbook, thanks to Secretary Chair, Barbara Smith.
- Mentoring with local high school senior, Ashleigh Rogers, in her pursuit of photography.
- Supporting local Eagle Scout candidate Colin Lara, thanks to Martha Sanford and Jan Martin, for landscaping enhancement.
That is a lot of progress! There are many committees/subcommittees that could use your help. Please contact Steve Maloy or any Board member if you would like to get more involved.
Carmichael Initiative
If you have been by the Carmichael House, you have seen the great progress on the renovation project. A few pictures are included here, but many more are posted on the website. Skip King and team have done a great job at replacing the siding, soffits, windows, doors, wall insulation, and more. You can begin to see the new condition (and color!) of the museum. This is very exciting work.

If you have not been by, you are welcome to stop in and check out the progress.
Unfortunately, we had to temporarily close the museum while the windows were being removed, but we expect to reopen soon (after a deep clean and Maureen's magic curation). We are still in need of donations to fund this effort. Please consider a cash donation (any amount is welcome!) or participate in the Carmichael Promissory Note program.
Board Announcements
In Board news, Gary Welden had to unfortunately step down from the Board as 1st Vice President but we were able to appoint Susan Stitt as his interim replacement. Susan is a long-time member and was already very involved with various SAHS activities. With Susan's addition we decided to realign various Board member responsibilities.
Fundraising Events
Finally let me remind you of the two fundraising events planned for May: Hot Rods for History and the Barn Dance. Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to help with both events, and thanks to all who will attend these events.
- Hot Rods for History car show - Saturday, May 6
- Barn Dance - Saturday, May 20
If you have not already bought your tickets for the Barn Dance, please do so before it sells out!
What a first quarter! Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Steve Maloy
President, Senoia Area Historical Society
Visitors to monthly programs, year to date:

The Senoia Area Historical Society Museum, at 6 Couch Street, is closed at this time due to the work being done on the outside of the house. We don’t expect this to last much longer. We will advise you when the doors open again.
Shout to Corporate Patrons

Edward Jones offers a personal approach to investing with 18,000 financial advisors ready to support your retirement, education savings and insurance needs. In Senoia, you can reach out to Jennifer Camp at 770-599-3981 or, a long-time supporter of SAHS. Jennifer is married to Scott who has donated several East Coweta High School items to the History Museum. Both Scott and Jennifer are excited to live in this community that they both love.

David and Suzanne Pengelly have also been long-time supporters of SAHS. Creators of Senoia Coffee Shop 24 years ago at 1 Main Street in Senoia, David and Suzanne now own Coffee by David at 127 W. Main Street in Manchester, GA. Manchester is a pleasant 32 mile drive down GA85. Did you know you can still get Coffee by David by ordering online? Go to to order today!